Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Eat Different Types Of Foods

According to Ayurveda, the Ancient Indian science of healing, rotating your food habits not only strengthens your immune system, it can also protect you from most illnesses. Try to eat vegetables and fruits of different colors each day. Try eating a different food at least thrice a month. Begin your day with an apple a day as the apple pectin cleanses the body's digestive system by removing toxins and therefore preventing degenerative health problems such as cancer.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Are you an Apple or a Pear ?

Men and Women store fat in different areas of the body. In men, it is deposited mostly in upper arms, shoulders and abdomen. In women, it is mainly deposited in hips, buttocks, thighs and breasts. For both the sexes, measuring your waist gives a good indication of whether you are carrying excess weight or not.

People who tend to gain weight in the abdominal region are said to have an apple shape. If you tend to gain weight mostly on your hips, buttocks and thighs you are said to have a pear shape. The location of the body fat affects your health.

Apple shape people are most likely than pear shaped people to develop health problems related to

  • Obesity
  • Type II Diabetes
  • Harmonal Cancers
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • High blood pressure

However, you can limit its extent by paying close attention to normalizing your weight and keeping fit.